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KameaVR Bridgewalk

Rocker Science


Release Date: 2019

Los Angeles, CA

This is the introductory animation sequence for the VR meditation app titled "KameaVR." This immersive therapy app was designed by James and Fiona Emley as an inward healing journey in sight and sound through a virtual reality experience. Voted as the "Top 5 Fitness VR Apps" (2018) by the VR Fitness Insider. Created with Unity3D engine. 

Unity VR Modeling


The doorway portal was important to have a very simple model with a decent amount of particle FX to indicate a special moment of tension for the user within an immersive space. 

By analyzing the alpha Global Illumination channel, it was important to understand how much shadowing would occur throughout the scene, which would give greater depth while also taking the computer. It's important to have a definite balance without too much occlusion.

Adding textures to the scene gives additional understanding how the colors would appear to "pop" within each type of VR device. We wanted to give a sense of vertigo while walking along the cloud bridge while giving the user a sense of safety that they won't fall off!

By adding a small bit of bloom, the clouds gave a very ethereal sense, while the "firefly" particle FX indicated there was something interesting coming out of the doorway portal. I simply added an animated plane water effect similar to the portal in the movie Stargate.


Adding many clouds and bridge pieces took some time to assemble, and it was also important to layer these different assets into separate categories. The Clouds had different types of movements for additional parallax, and the Wireframe gave a good idea of polygon ct.

It was important to measure the Global Illumination amongst the moving cloud assets, which would give an additional sense of depth and some level of perceived vertigo. 

After adding the textures, it was important to give a sense of various various cloud colors during a "dusk" setting high up in the clouds. Different cloud densities tend to have a wide variety of colors. 

Auto flare FX were added to the viewer situated on top of the FP Player capsule. It was important to map out the animation meticulously during the "walking phase" portion, because the timing of the floating titles above the bridge were synchronized to the music and vocal recording of our therapeutic guide, Fiona Emley

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