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Rocker Science

Cinema 4D

Release Date: 2021

Los Angeles

This video animation was used as the backdrop and derived from student inspiration of a high school robotics team application of the Los Angeles Chairman Award. The animation piece centered around the use of the Voroni Destruction modifier and inspired by, "The Journey of Becoming a Robo-Nerd" within LA Unified School District.     

Cinema 4D Animation


Again, the procedural layer textures were utilized to give a metallic and reflective feel to all the gears within this animation. The nodal editor was also used, and the Voroni Fracture Modifier was introduced to "shatter" the metallic "Robo Nerds" titling. 

The Wireframe visualization shows the relatively high polygon density of each of the gears within the image. Polygon reduction was utilized to allow for optimization of the rendering process. 

Additional displace texturing was added to the background mat, and notice the Veroni fractures are introduced as multi-colored pieces within the titling objects. 

This Goraud Shading visualization displays how the lighting is reflected off the gears before the Veroni Effector is set into place.

Veroni Destructor effector is displaying the translation of the "Push Apart" modifier and the pieces begin to shatter. Notice the high reflectivity of the background rippled displacement texture, and this also gives a high contrast with the brilliant sheen of the titling. 

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